This browser add on has been the bane of my existence for the past 24 hours considering the fact that I have a Latin test tomorrow, several reading assignments and a term paper proposal all due by the end of the week. There is just one problem: I've set my StumbleUpon up so that I can keep finding new and wonderful websites and products like SongBird and Zamzar while still research a ton of sources for my proposal like Danteworlds and Quotiki.
I'm in a state of Limbo, even if the pope states that it doesn't exist. I can't tell whether I am being productive in my research or in my blogging!
This is a great tool to try for anyone and it's so easy to use. Give it a try if you use Firefox and see what happens. At least you can always "feel" like you are being productive!
Have a great day, feel free to subscribe to my blog and leave your comments!
Technorati Tags: StumbleUpon, Zamzar, SongBird, Firefox, procrastinate, research, ScribeFire
Powered by ScribeFire.
Thanks for the info. Will have a look at it.
Thanks so much for this information -- I went to StumbleUpon and spent a few hours looking at some of the photo sites that were posted. Wow -- amazing what is out there on the net that we know so little about.
Love your site, and have "fueled" it.
Yep, be careful. You can get lost in StumbleUpon easily, and lose a huge amount of your time!
The new StumbleThru feature is wicked. Have you tried it yet?
I love the StumbleThru! It's great! I'm glad everyone enjoys this tool!
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