Monday, April 23, 2007

Another Great Addition to ANY Internet browser!

The last blog was a post on StumbleUpon, a great tool for viewing some more of the obscure and interesting sites of the web depending on your own personal preferences. It was great for research or plain procrastination (both in my case)! I've just a found a tool that is great if you love using search engines but hate having to click on each site and wait for it to load just to find out it has no relevance to what you are looking for. The free program I am talking about is called Cooliris and it's just awesome!

This program allows you preview a website without actually clicking on it and it's incredibly fast! It even works on this blog! Go to the link above, pick and download for your appropriate browser, restart the browser and a little blue/green screen with pop on the right side of links. Just click it and you will see where all of my links lead to without ever opening a page!

It runs pretty seamlessly on most computers, even my laptop which is now 5 years old! I've found this tool to be incredibly helpful in my research for T.S. Eliot's evolution as a poet (my topic of research) because I'm not clicking and waiting for all of the sites to load even if they are pointless.

A good analogy for this program is that if you like the viewable windows in Windows Vista's taskbar, then you will love this program !

Give it a try and let me know your thoughts! Subscribe to the blog and leave your comments!

Have a great day and enjoy this app!

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