Saturday, May 5, 2007

Blog Law, Streaming Music, Technorati and a few more links!

The fact that I plan to go to law school in the near future plays a HUGE part into what the laws are that bind bloggers. An interesting fact is that there are very few, if any, rules that bloggers must abide be in a legal sense. Directory Aviva has just posted 12 items that should be of major interest to every blogger out there. Ranging from Deep Linking to Private Data and Commenting, this blog entry provides a basic approach to what is being questioned followed by an analysis of what written law has to say so far about the ever growing blogging community. Have a look and see what you should be paying attention to!

The second article of interest that I stumble'd on this morning was an older article from Lifehacker. This article deals with ways for you to stream your music from your home PC to any computer with an internet connection. Using iGoogle, I found some of the programs and I am planning on putting one of these into use in the near future. Keep in mind that most have an either limited amount of space for storage or they have a restriction on the encryption of the files (most Mp3). Have a look and let me know if anyone is running any of these programs!

Sometimes, I'm just struck by how efficient websites are. Last night, I checked my Technorati ranking, links and favorites and it all looked the same. This morning, I checked Technorati and my personal page was streamlined and just looked clean, especially with a new "Authority" section. Evidently, now Technorati can rank your blog or site in the area of authority. Lee Odden over at Online Marketing Blog goes into this new feature and seems to show pretty well how authority helps with exposure! Link up to me and help get my authority ranking higher than 13! Please!

I haven't given up on my Feed My Feed project so please link up, tell your fellow bloggers about my blog, subscribe, leave your comments and I will return the favor!

The links for today for you to link up and subscribe to are:

a catch-all kind of blog like my own with Reluctant Blogger

a small home office business blog with SoHo-Life

another miscellaneous style blog with updates from across the net with Jonathan Phillips

a guy that is creating some pretty unique apps that needs a little exposure with Spread My Apps

and finally a logo designer blog that works well for Web 2.0 developers at David Airey.

Check out the sites, link up to this blog, subscribe to the feed and leave your comments! They are all encouraged and welcome!

Have a great day!

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking to my logo designer post.

Very much appreciated!

Enjoy the weekend.

Anonymous said...

i put a link up on my page to you. :o)

Mag22 said...

Well thank you Rachel! And you are welcome David!