Friday, March 5, 2010


So I've been in corporate life for 18 months and to be honest, I'm really enjoying it. There is a dynamic that a person can thrive on and it's exciting as a young person in the business world. With that in mind, I've realized my thoughts on so many concepts over the past year and a half have gone unpublished.

For one, Microsoft doesn't seem like the big bad wolf anymore (respectfully disregarding Dick Brass's opinion). The release of Windows 7 has turned a debacle of a product that was Vista into something worth enjoying. The environment works well with old and new programs, what more could an IT person ask for? How about an easily adaptable virtual environment with networking that actually works? Excellent!

Secondly, e-readers have taken off. Books have held a special place in my life since I picked up my first picture book as a younger child. In college, the passion continued right into my major, but the cost to keep up with my literary fetish was unreal. Along came Christmas and a wonderful addition to my life: an Amazon Kindle! Double digits in the number of books read, the addition of books and a very handy syncing feature between the Kindle, my Blackberry and my Apple iPod Touch (1st generation Mr. Jobs). Regardless of where I am, I can always access my books and everything stays in sync. Nice work Amazon.

The final piece for this entry: I need to stay focused with this blog and bring back my readers. To my current readers, spread the news and let me know what you would like me to elaborate on and explore more. To my future readers, I hope I can keep you interested in what I have to say without coming across like a preaching IT know it all. There are already enough of those blogs on the web. My thought is that people need to know and understand technology if they plan to stay safe and be educated in an ever-changing environment. That is my intention with this site.

Have a great day and, as always, let me know what you think.

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