Sunday, June 10, 2007

Refreshing Google Apps, Dealighted and DesktopTwo

So after my long hiatus in Europe, I figured it's probably time to start updating readers with some great Web 2.0 applications.

A quick side note: My reader base has expanded a little during my break and I can only thank everyone for truly enjoying what this blog has to offer.

While I was away, it seems as though Google has gone into overdrive with some great applications for ease of use on the Web. I had a little bit of farsight when Google introduced iGoogle to the world and allowed everyone to create their own gadgets for easier use of their favorite sites and RSS feeds. It appears as though Kevin L from Taiwan has created a gadget to allow for more gadgets to be used on someone's iGoogle homepage. Compound gadget allows a user to condense several gadgets into one using the all too familiar tabbed browsing to open up space and organize your homepage. As soon as I found this, it was added and my page appears that much more streamlined and productive. Thanks Kevin!

The people over at Lifehacker are amazing in their ability to search the web and find some techniques for making life easier. They have found a user who has created an easy to follow guide for allowing you to view your Google Reader without access to the internet. Google Gears appears to be the next big Google beta application for use and I'm excited to give this a full test drive.

A great Web 2.0 application for everyone is DesktopTwo. This is a great online service that I wish I would have found earlier (before my trip) because it allows a user to create a personal desktop on the web account they set up and from there you can use the basic programs of your choice. It is a lot like portable apps but you don't have to carry anything with you! Nice work on this one and give it a try!

So my girlfriend's father has turned me on checking and the Hot Deals page on that site daily. In regards to this wonderful invention by a site, I figured there has to be some other great sites out there that do this as well. I was right because the site called Dealighted does just that and more. This site finds user based information on flukes in deals that are occurring on major retailing webpages all over the Internet. This is absolutely amazing and I'm proud to share this one with everyone.

I'm still working on the new blog for presentation but I want this one to have a better production quality. I'll be linking to it shortly!

Enjoy the applications and if anyone finds an Xbox 360 for an unreasonably low price, let me know!

Thanks, share this site with your friends, subscribe to the RSS feed or e-mail and have a great day!

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