The theme for this week as been the music industry and some of the movements that are occurring within the industry. From artists dropping their labels to BitTorrent becoming a more mainstream concept to price drops on music, this industry is changing whether you like it or not.
In response to this, many facets of the media are taking note and trying to influence what happens with everything. An article from TechCrunch showcases an alliance among major media corporations that is backing an anti-piracy movement. Mashable recently posted an article on possible congressional investigation in P2P networks for security reasons. What does this mean for the user?
I've mentioned this before, but the loopholes in copyright laws seem to be keeping everyone safe and protected. People seem to be referencing the trials and tribulations of Napster and the court cases that are appearing now in conjunction with the RIAA going after individuals who downloaded music illegally. What is occurring now is actually different.
In the beginning, Napster was a service that used a direct connection between one user and another to share media such as songs or videos. The problem is that the songs are copyrighted and not meant for duplication and distribution that was occurring. So a bunch of people get sued and charged for criminal activity.
The resolution is a system that allows for an individual to download media in small packets called torrents from hundreds or thousands of different users in order to attain a complete package of a song or video or any other media file. With this system in place, no one person can be charged with duplication and distribution because they only contributed a few packets to the entire product. Genius!
So could this anti-piracy alliance and congressional investigation be performed completely in vain? It's very likely.
Another quick note of mention is that the Internet and World Wide Web are global entities and the same copyright and piracy laws are not enforced throughout the world. Hence, you can view the newest movie releases through sites based in Singapore or Indonesia and technically not break any laws because there are none in place for this issue.
Is anyone picking up why I would love to study and practice Intellectual Property and Technological Law?
I could be wrong, but I doubt it! PROVE ME WRONG!
Anyways, look up and research this subject and protect yourself against anything they may become an issue. Please let me know if you would like me to keep writing on this matter as well!
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Have a great day!
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